
Since our establishment in the year 2019, RRO has successfully implemented various activities to help the socially and economically deprived groups (Women, Children & Marginalized groups) in the Somali and oromia region state- Ethiopia.

Current Activities Accomplished

1. Economic Recovery and Market Systems

RRO’s project has supported to increase sustainable income-earning opportunities and improved market linkages. 20 marginalized groups were assisted through economic asset development activities. The groups have been promoting seed money for startup of their petty trading activities. In addition, the groups were trained on business dynamics, basic business management principles, group management, bookkeeping, Saving and credit processes, Marketing and basic literacy knowledge - Year of Activity 2020 .

2. Agriculture and Food Security

RRO’s project has supported to increase sustainable agricultural and livestock production. The project supported 50 farmers in Shebelle zone through Seed Systems and Agricultural Inputs. 50 farmers have increased 6 month of food self- sufficiency due to distributed seed system/agricultural inputs for 50 farmers that benefited from Seed Systems and Agricultural Inputs. Under this sector, the project has accomplished the following activities- Year of Activity 2019

3. Water Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH)

Shallow Well Rehabilitation: RRO’s project has supported 450 HHs through Rehabilitation of Traditional water points in the hard-to-reach communities. Under this project. 3 Traditional Shallow wells were rehabilitated (protected) and served 450 Households or 3,150 Individuals, (each Traditional Shallow well serves 150 HHs or 1,050 individuals). Year of Activity 2020 Each rehabilitated Traditional shallow wells were improved and fixed with 2 Livestock troughs for use by the communities’ livestock as separately from the beneficiaries. All water points developed by RRO’s project were designed to provide reasonable protection of the water from contamination, including one or dual troughs to separate livestock and human consumption, a one-meter-high well apron, and removable cover. Hygiene Promotion: Water Chain Management: Each rehabilitated traditional shallow wells were organized with Water Management Committees (WMCs), and 3 WMCs were trained on water chain management. The 3 WMCs attended a training of trainers to become community hygiene facilitators and in turn they trained 450 representatives about the importance of safe water and how to avoid contamination of drinking water- Year of Activity 2020. RRO’s experience indicates that selecting and training community members to form Water Management Committees (WMCs) to improve the management of water sources is an ideal way to achieve behavioral change. Between 75-90 percent of households benefiting from WMCs were found to demonstrate durable behavioral change and improve crucial daily routines such as proper cleaning and maintenance of water containers, washing hands after defecation, washing hands before cooking, and boiling drinking water. Community WMCs have also proven to be a successful means of disseminating information on other public health issues such as hygiene awareness and prevention of diarrheal disease and malaria.

4. Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) in moyale of Oromia Region

Through Volunteer scheme, RRO has supported 2 hard to reach of Oromia region, Moyale Woreda rural communities to improve the environmental sanitation through CLTS training. Communities have improved on behavioral change and attitudes, with some members of the community have installed their own toilet facility and Handwashing has been fixed to practice at all household level in the mission area. The activity has reached to 180 HHs in 2 hard to reach villages. - Year of Activity 2021

5. Education

RRO has supported 50 schoolgirls through Girls Education promotion. Under this sector, the project has accomplished the following activities.
Awareness creation for girl’s education
Tutorial class provision for girls sitting for national exams.
Strengthen of parent and teachers committee

The beneficiaries of this component were 50 poor school going girls in grade 8 & 10 sitting for national exams in 2 schools in the project area- Year of Activity 2020 Activities accomplished include;

The project has supported 4 months of the tutorial classes through hiring of tutors/teachers to support the tutorial classes for four month.
Provision of supplementary student’s textbooks were equitably distributed to the targeted 50 school girls from the targeted two schools (one high school & one primary school) – the project has supported and accomplished procurements of 100 supplementary text books (i.e. Mathematics, Physics, chemistry and Biology students text books) for 50 school girls in grade 8 & 10 sitting for national exams and were handed over for their study use during the tutorial classes.
The project has Strengthened existing 2 Parent, Teachers & Students Associations (PTSAs) from the two targeted schools in the project area.

RRO will continue to support the most disadvantages (Children, Women, Youth and marginalized groups) in the hard to reach communities through the following activities

Food Security & Livelihoods:

RRO’s agriculture and food security projects/programs aim to improve hard to reach rural livelihoods through sustainably increasing agricultural production and sales and enhancing food security for the poor. Our programs target farmers and farmer groups, small and medium agricultural enterprises (SMEs), rural and urban poor, youth, women, marginalized groups and other vulnerable populations enabling them to effectively pursue profitable agricultural activities and escape the cycle of poverty and deprived. The programmes developed by RRO aim at mitigating the effects of the economic crisis on the vulnerable nomadic pastorals & agro-pastorals communities, through: - Agriculture, Food security & Livelihoods and Economic Recovery and Market Systems.

Water Supply, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH)

WASH-related needs outlined above, assessments indicate that water access is particularly critical to pastoral livelihoods. Pastoralists rely on a poor network of water points to trek their animals in search of pasture and markets. The contamination of unprotected water sources by floods and livestock, especially during periods of stress, is a major cause of malnutrition and excess morbidity in the region. A series of water points in SRS need rehabilitation to reduce the incidence of water contamination by human & livestock and improve the total availability of potable water. Water supply needs are acute, in both wet and dry seasons. Increase availability of and access to water through the rehabilitation of shallow wells and construction of birkats in non-riverine communities, and the creation of income generation opportunities for communities forced to purchase water is a major recommendable in the region


RRO will work to improve the challenges facing the education sector in Ethiopian Somali and Oromia Regional State. The four main challenges and problems identified in the education system are: increasing access and ensuring universal completion of general education; ensuring equity; improving quality; and improving management.

Harmful Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women & Children (Female Genital Mutilation/Harmful Traditional Practices - FGM/HTPs)

Traditional cultural practices reflect long-held values and beliefs within communities. While some of these practices are beneficial, others, such as female genital mutilation (FGM), early marriage, and son preference, are harmful, particularly to women and girls. These harmful practices often persist due to their perceived moral value and lack of questioning by those who practice them.


Ethiopia has a large population, of which significant no is exposed to various kinds of vulnerability & poverty. HIV & AIDS is one of the key challenges for the overall development of Ethiopia, as it has led to a seven-year decrease in life expectancy and a greatly reduced workforce. The first HIV infections in Ethiopia were identified in 1984 and AIDS was first reported in 1986. Ethiopia faces an epidemic among sub-populations and geographic areas, with an estimated overall HIV prevalence rate of 2.3 The prevalence rate in urban center is about 7.7% and 0.9% in rural areas.

Women Empowerment 7 Entrepreneurship

Empowerment of women has emerged as an important issue in the recent times. The economics of empowerment of women is being regarded these days as top performances and in the Somali region women those in urban areas are making top performance in the economics of the household level hence region wide. The issue of economic empowerment of women is of paramount importance to political thinkers, and social economic. RRO found that promoting “Poor Women community through Economic empowerment will led to development of Family and community.”

RRO remains to play significant roles in emergency & developments interventions through its strategic plan-2024-2028. RRO’s strategically interested to develop its programming areas for WASH, Food Security & Livelihoods, Education, Women Empowerment, FGM/HTPs and HIV/AIDS into mutually rural, Peri-Urban and urban areas in the future as we seek donations/funding/grants from the worldwide donors/Grant makers/Private Foundations/Community Funds and Individuals across the Globe.